
Bufete Ritchie, P.L.C.

Staunton, VA Personal Injury Attorneys

Have you suffered an injury in Staunton, VA?
We’re here to help, 24x7x365.

Seriously injured? Don’t get hurt twice! We help those who have been injured through no fault of their own get the money they deserve. 
Ritchie Law Firm is a highly rated Personal Injury & Workers’ Compensation law firm with over 45 years experience in winning. 

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Areas of Practice
Car Accident, Other Personal Injury & Workers' Compensation Law Firm

Staunton VA Car Accident Lawyers

Tractor Trailer Law Firm

Bufete de Abogados de Accidentes de Motocicleta

Muerte por negligencia

Otros daños personales

Abogado de accidentes de trabajo

Lesiones de policías y bomberos

Incapacidad de la Seguridad Social

Incapacidad a corto y largo plazo

Prestaciones de invalidez del RVS

 Staunton Tractor Trailer Accident — $1.15M

Our client was traveling westbound on Interstate 64 in Augusta County, Virginia, in a Ford F350 truck. A tractor trailer driver, who was also traveling westbound on Interstate 64 at the same time, swerved into our client’s lane. As a result, our client’s vehicle left the road and rolled over multiple times. Our client suffered a traumatic brain injury, as well as a neck and back injury.

Staunton Workers’ Comp Settlement — $1M

A Staunton resident injured while working for a local dairy.  The worker was picking up raw milk from dairy when he slipped on slime on the floor and injured his back.  The injured worker underwent L4-5 fusion surgery on his back and spent time in physical therapy and rehabilitation.  Workers’ compensation insurance company paid for all medical expenses and time off work.  The insurance company offered to settle with the injured worker before he hired an attorney.  The worker hired Ritchie Law Firm to handle his workers’ compensation settlement.  The Ritchie Law Firm recovered for the client more than twice what the insurance company originally offered.

Staunton Personal Injury — $1M

Our client had rented and was using a backyard inflatable, which was incorrectly installed by the rental company. The inflatable toppled over as our client was in it, causing serious injuries. Injuries included a collapsed lung, broken lumbar vertebra, and crushed heels.

Staunton Motorcycle Accident — $850,000

Our client, who is a Staunton resident, was operating his motorcycle when the driver of a Ram 3500 Quad truck, pulling a landscaping trailer, failed to yield the right of way and made an improper left turn in front of him. Despite attempting to take evasive actions, our client was unable to avoid the crash and struck the rear quarter panel of the truck. The defendant insurance company asserted a contributory negligence defense, based on an allegation that our client was exceeding the speed limit. Our client admitted that he was exceeding the speed limit at the time of the crash. The parties settled the case for $850,000.00 after suit was filed.

Courts in Staunton, Virginia

Augusta General District Court
6 East Johnson Street
Second Floor
Staunton, VA 24401-4398
P: 540-245-5300
F: 540-245-5365

Staunton Circuit Court
113 E. Beverley Street
2nd Floor
Staunton, VA 24401-4390
P: 540-332-3874
F: 540-332-3970

Virginia Workers’ Compensation Commission Regional Office
136 W. Elizabeth Street
Suite 101
Harrisonburg, VA 22801
P: 540-433-7701
F: 540-433-7500

Augusta Circuit Court
1 East Johnson Street
Staunton, VA 24401-4302
P: 540-245-5321
F: 540-245-5318

Waynesboro Circuit Court
250 South Wayne Avenue
Suite 202
Waynesboro, VA 22980
P: 540-942-6616
F: 540-942-6774

Social Security Administration
1600 N. Coalter Street
Staunton, VA 24401
P: 888-632-6896
F: 833-950-2286

Staunton General District Court
113 E. Beverley Street
1st Floor
Staunton, VA 24401-4390
P: 540-332-3878
F: 540-332-3985

Waynesboro General District Court
250 South Wayne Avenue
Suite 100
Waynesboro, VA 22980
P: 540-942-6636
F: 540-942-6666

Bufete Ritchie, P.L.C.

17 Imperial Drive
Staunton, VA 24401
Fax: (540) 886-4459

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