
Virginia and West Virginia Motorcycle Accidents

When a motorcycle accident happens, injuries to the motorcycle rider can be severe. Because motorcyclists have minimal body protection in a wreck, motorcycle accident victims can sustain serious injuries in the blink of an eye. A motorcycle accident is often caused when passenger vehicle drivers fail to yield the right of way, don’t pay attention to an oncoming motorcyclist or engage in distracted driving. How to know if you need a motorcycle accident lawyer after a motorcycle crash? Read on for information about your legal rights in motorcycle accidents, as well as how to get a free initial consultation.

Recent Decline in Motorcycle Riders

Since the COVID pandemic, motorcycle registrations and motorcycle riding in general has seen a decline. Most recently, the Virginia Department of Motor Vehicles reports that motorcycle registrations have dipped by nearly 2 percent each year since the pandemic. Even with a decline in the overall number of motorcycle riders, the number of motorcycle accidents in Virginia and West Virginia each year is essentially holding steady.

Common Motorcycle Accident Injuries

Even with helmets to protect the head, because motorcycle operators’ bodies are unprotected in the event of a motorcycle accident, they often experience much more serious injuries than victims of passenger vehicle crashes. Motorcycle operators can suffer injuries such as:

  • Traumatic Brain Injury (TBI)
  • Broken bones
  • Facial fractures
  • Amputated limbs
  • Spinal cord injuries
  • Severe skin abrasions, burns, and road rash
  • Fatal injuries caused by internal bleeding and organ damage

Even though motorcyclists are required to wear helmets, injured riders commonly experience head injuries as the cyclists’ head can impact the road violently.

Often, after motorcycle crashes, injured riders require emergency medical treatment and transportation to a hospital from the accident scene. This medical treatment can quickly add up to thousands of dollars in medical expenses that injured riders are left to cover.

Getting Fair Compensation After a Motorcycle Accident

Getting a fair settlement from the other drivers auto insurance company after a motorcycle wreck can be challenging. When other motorists carry only minimum liability coverage, having enough money to cover all medical bills, lost wages, and any future expenses can seem impossible. However, the team of Virginia motorcycle accident lawyers at the Ritchie Law Firm use all available legal options to combine insurance coverages and ensure that you get the highest financial compensation possible. Our legal team also works with medical providers (following Virginia law) to make sure you can get the money you will need to heal from your injuries and help take care of your family members.

Motorcycle Accident Claims

After a motorcycle accident, it’s almost a sure bet that the insurance company will try to give the injured rider a hard time over their motorcycle accident case. The insurance adjuster will want a recorded statement and may try to trick you into saying things that could hurt your motorcycle accident claim. The insurance company will also want you to sign release forms, so they can get copies of all of your medical records — even records for previous medical treatment that’s not related to the motorcycle crash.

Because motorcycle accidents involved severe injuries, you need an experienced motorcycle accident lawyer who is an expert in Virginia motorcycle laws to make sure your rights are protected and to guide you through the legal process. The insurance company for the liable party

will have their lawyers reviewing the case and investigating the accident scene within hours after the motorcycle accident happened. You’ll want a Virginia motorcycle accident lawyer ready to stand by you to be your wall of defense against the insurance company.

Motorcycle Accident Lawyers

How to choose a motorcycle accident lawyer? It can be confusing! There are many lawyers who say that they handle motorcycle accidents. But, just saying you handle motorcycle accident cases and actually being qualified to do so are two different things. It’s important to remember that the lawyer you choose can make all the difference between winning or losing your motorcycle accident lawsuit.

Important questions to ask a Virginia motorcycle accident attorney:

  • Has the lawyer ever handled a motorcycle accident before?
  • Has the lawyer ever investigated a motorcycle collision by taking photos, measuring skid marks, interviewing witnesses, etc?
  • Has the lawyer ever tried a motorcycle accident case in court before a jury?
  • Is the lawyer a board certified motorcycle accident lawyer by the National Board of Trial Lawyers?

It’s important to remember that the motorcycle accident lawyer you choose will definitely make a difference in the outcome of your case. You want an experienced motorcycle accident personal injury lawyer, who is not afraid to fight to get you the compensation you deserve for your personal injury claim.

If you or a loved one was involved in a motorcycle wreck and was injured by a negligent driver, don’t leave your health or the fate of your family to chance. Contact an experienced motorcycle crash lawyer at the Ritchie Law Firm for a free case evaluation to ensure you get the recoverable damages you need to take care of yourself and your family. We are your Virginia and West Virginia motorcycle accident lawyer and your wall of defense against the insurance company. Contact your Ritchie Law Firm motorcycle accident lawyer now!

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Ritchie Law Firm is a personal injury law firm devoted to helping individuals who have suffered serious and catastrophic injuries or lost a loved one as a result of someone else’s negligence. Ritchie Law Firm serves all of Virginia, while helping clients in cities and surrounding areas of Harrisonburg, Charlottesville, Staunton, and Winchester also serves clients in West Virginia, including Martinsburg, WV. Besides being a Virginia motorcycle accident attorney, the Ritchie Law Firm also serves clients with brain injuries, victims injured by drunk driving, and crashes involving tractor trailers. We offer a free consultation for personal injury victims who seek compensation due to a serious injury.

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